Edinson Cavani |
In Uruguay, ad inizio carriera, era soprannominato El Botija (termine gergale uruguaiano con cui si indica un bambino) per via dei lineamenti infantili e del fisico fragile ed esile. Successivamente inizia ad essere soprannominato El Matador tradotto letteralmente sarebbe il killer (matar significa uccidere), colui che uccide, riferito alla corrida el matador è il torero perché ammazza il toro infilzandolo con le spade.
In architettura è difficile parlare di "qualcosa che non c'è" e per spiegare questo concetto, è immediato pensare all'emozione che un'architettura può suscitare in chi la guarda. Nel 2002 per l'Expo Svizzera due architetti (Diller e Scofidio) hanno creato un'architettura con un effetto il "blur effect" cioè un'ambiguità che molti ora ricercano cercando di cancellare i confini fisici delle loro opere. La nuvola artificiale (acqua vaporizzata) avvolge in modo sempre diverso l'opera collegata a terra da una passerella. Per visitarla era necessario munirsi di un impermeabile.Come Cavani diventa "imprendibile" per molte difese, questa "nuvola" è stata creata per essere "imprendibile", e spiegare il vuoto architettonico.
In the world of football, we are often overwhelmed by countless feats that leave the mouth open and a feeling of emptiness the viewer. Today those who create these feats and arouses such emotions, leaving the mouth open and giving that sense it is empty Edinson Roberto Cavani Gómez "El Matador". Cavani is a Uruguayan footballer, Napoli striker and the Uruguay national team, now in Naples is the most revered player after Maradona and then gave him many nicknames associated with one of these is "My Favorite Martian" because he can do things never seen before on earth, overturning results apparently unfavorable in staordinarie victories.
In Uruguay, early in his career, he was nicknamed El Botija (Uruguayan slang term used to describe a child) because of the physical features of infantile and fragile and thin. Then begins to be nicknamed El Matador literally translated would be the killer (matar means to kill), he who kills, referring to el matador bullfighting is because the bullfighter kills the bull impaling them with swords.
Image In architecture, it is difficult to speak of "something that is not there" and to explain this concept, it is immediate to think that architecture can arouse emotion in the viewer. In 2002 for the Expo Switzerland two architects (Diller and Scofidio) have created an architecture with an effect on the "blur effect" that is, an ambiguity that many now seek trying to erase the physical boundaries of their works. The artificial cloud (water spray) wraps in a different way the work grounded by a footbridge. To visit it was necessary to have a impermeabile.Come Cavani becomes "impregnable" defenses for many, this "cloud" was created to be "impregnable", and explain the architectural empty.
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